So, when you come to the point at which you know that you should be sleeping but can't, and at which it actually pains you to be awake, what is it then time to do? If one can exist in neither a state of wakefulness nor sleep, what then is one's choice? I suppose a walking dream state, or just sort a sort of general innefectual quality which one can neither fix nor overcome. Ahh well.
So, I suppose that's enough thoughts. Now I have to do something coherant, or at least I have to try.
Posted at 12:52 AM
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Once upon a time, there were two little mice. They lived in a hole in the ground in a field on a farm. Unfortunately, they were completely unaware that the field was on the farm. I say unfortunately because in the spring, the planting began, and they thought they were very lucky indeed becauase they got free seeds. Then in the fall, when harvest began, they were killed by a thresher. That's OK though. Don't be sad for the little mice. They weren't paying attention, and that's what can happen. So one day when you're sitting around you house doing nothing, you'd better look around you really fast, because you aren't paying attention, and a thresher might be sneaking up on you.
Posted at 10:03 PM
So, like, if someone said goodby five times, would that make him gone?
Posted at 10:00 PM
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There's a simplicity to music that certain other things lack. I'm looking at you, thought.
Posted at 11:13 PM
But, like, what if you just walked away and said "No More." Would that make you a bad person? Does it just make you strong willed? I wouldn't know. I think that if you've had enough, you've had enough, and you should just decide what to do, but then I spoke to a person recently who said the art of dithering is a lost art, and that people always want to Make A Decision, as if it were a bad thing. Yeah, I know, he didn't mean it, but he said it, and that's what would count if it counted. ... So, then I said, Have you Read any good Books lately, and I had to admit I hadn't.
Posted at 11:13 PM
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So, this is how it starts:
Once, when you weren't looking, you had an idea. It wasn't much of an idea, but it worked, so you decided to keep it, or at least to let it stay in the back of your head, renting out that space above your spinal column, next to the garage. Unfortunately, it had loud parties, and kept getting itself noticed at odd moments, so you decided to evict it, but it really isn't that simple, is it? The stupid idea keeps coming around at bad moments and, like, doing the idea equivalent of sidling up and asking you a)how the wife and kids are doing and b)if it can borrow a dime. So, really, the best thing for it is to eject the idea, and sent it hurtling off into space. Or just post it on the web where people can read it if they aren't paying attention and type in your web address. So, this idea needs a home. Anybody got some extra space for an idea which won't do you any good, but might help pass the long, cold nights of the seasons of writer's block? I didn't think so.
Posted at 11:20 PM
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| All material copyright 2002-2003 Ben Gibbs.