The RAM is sitting on my couch. The rest of the Screamin' piece of Hardware is on the way. I have a name for it, but I'll wait until it gets here. We named Toshi's computer, too. All the machines in the house are named, and I'm calling my Palm "Cotterpin," which makes no sense unless you know the names of the rest of the machines. Oh well. Life is wonderful. I'll have to cope. And can you believe this weather? I mean Damn! I thought I lived in Texas. Not that I'm complaining...
Posted at 4:11 PM
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PS. The puppets arrived at the Elementary school unscathed. Just so nobody worries. They are quite cute, by the bye. Chew on that.
Posted at 12:08 AM
Dude. I'm gettin' a Dell. Only I got it with a whopping 128MB of Ram, 'cause I can get it cheaper elsewhere on the Web. Once the Ram is in the Computer (Or, the Computer is around the Ram, as the DIMMS will be here before the Dell) it will Scream. Ooooh. I lead a charmed life.
Posted at 12:03 AM
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Toastmasters problem: fixed. How: added information. kewl.
Posted at 11:09 AM
"I have to leave early, boss. I have to deliver puppets to an elementary school." "That's the best excuse for leaving early I've ever heard."
-I love my job.
Posted at 11:09 AM
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Wow. I just had a horrible, horrible, horrible (may I say horrible again), horrible thought. There's Toastmasters every goddamn weekend this month for me. I thought I'd had enough of it, but I guess I was wrong. Goddamn. And I had other things to do, too. What right do they have... I shouldn't complain... REALLY, though! It's just that I had... Those Fuckers. OK, I didn't mean... Rrrrrr. Yarr, maitees.
Posted at 11:30 AM
Fer a minnit there, I wuz in danger of having more archive then kontint. NOw I got more smart thingz ta say then smart mermories. (cuz my archive is doon for a minnit. 'r Not.)
Posted at 12:24 AM
Wow. I'm mentioned as a playtester on the thanks to several of these cool games, but this is one I'm particularly proud of. And I remember testing this one, which was lots of fun. I hadn't been in a pool in a while, I think, and it was fun to pretend to be an otter. Wow. I have cool friends, which I realize pretty often, but only put here sometimes. Also, Toshi has a blog but seems to stoically refuse to post. Oh well.
Posted at 12:01 AM
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When did you stop paying attention?
Posted at 11:45 PM
Once, somebody said "Why like a pirate?" So I kicked him in the shin and stepped on his toe, and that, my friendly idiots, was that.
Posted at 11:30 PM
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Stasis isn't bad, necessarily, it's just what happens sometimes.
Posted at 10:30 AM
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President George Bush, after spending every spare minute since April doing the same thing, is drumming up support for war. He's at the United Nations Building for the opening ceremonies of the UN council, making a big speech that says "If you don't give us your armies to invade Iraq, we'll go in and do it ourselves." I'm scared and there's going to be war.
There's always war.
Posted at 10:23 AM
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My web page is confusing me. Aargh. I want something else to be on the top of the page, but I don't know what it is.
Work is good. Can't talk. Being annoyed by Famous Authors (I won't name names for fear she monitors the internet and I'd get scalding emails. No, my email address isn't on the page, but I'd still worry. She's a scary woman with nothing better to do, it seems, than harrass a mid-level buyer for BookPeople. {sigh}).
But on the other hand, I also got to meet Helen Thomas, who is a wonderful, delightful person with a view of the current Operation Pound the Crap out of Iraq that is much like mine. The difference: she knows people, several of whom are Presidents. That woman rocks. I got her to tell me to go to Europe. Kickass.
Posted at 5:55 PM
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This made me laugh: I was doing some research for this losersite, Belly and I stumbled onto this site: here. It's a link to a page with links to various world-wide military sites. Out of the six I could read (US, UK, Canada, Germany, Belgium and Australia), precisely ONE was not a super-big recruitment site. Care to guess? I'll give you a hint: They don't want you in their country because it's plenty nice as it is, OK you hoser? Yup. Canada doesn't want you in their army, it's good enough without your outlander stink messin' it up. Just like Toronto. I can't say how much this makes me respect Canada (stupid sedition patriot act). If it were just about five degrees warmer in the Pacific Northwest, I just might have to move on up there. Eh.
Posted at 10:07 PM
So, of the rest of the items, the $60 rice cooker was the cheap one. What kind of thing is this? Random coupons for random big ticket items? Who thought that was a good idea? Oh wait, I just happen to have a couple of thousand extra dollars! I'll go buy five high-cost items without shopping around, but OOH! I GOT COUPONS!
What the hell. Marketing in this country SO needs me.
Posted at 9:41 PM
I'm not usually one to complain, but I have to point out: Amazon.com, usually a pretty on-the-ball sort of company, have a new service in which they provide each customer with a "Gold Box," a set of 5 online coupons that expire after an hour. This is pretty keen, but I don't think that the TABLE SAW they offered me is quite the impulse buy the coupon seems it would require.
I imagine a middle-aged man in a fez saying: "Well, I needed one anyway.
It's not a lathe, but still...
Posted at 9:38 PM
Did you ever give somebody a present and they NEVER use it? It's only annoying sometimes, but when it is... OOOOOH it bugs me.
Not really, though. I'm an affable guy.
Posted at 9:32 PM
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Y'ever just have one of those moments?
Posted at 2:32 PM
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Is it time to go home yet? Nope. I have a really serious gripe, not about work or my coworkers, but is a result of something happening here, but I can't let it out, really, until mid-next-weekish, when the entity which shall not be named here now can't get pissed off at me, if that entity which shall not be named happens across this page, which is doubtful but not doubtful enough. Grr. Stuff. Here's a hint: the phrase "Can you have 150 more by Monday?" should, in a perfect world, be met with laughter.
On the other hand, I'm thriving under the stress, and loving every minute of it. Even when it gets crazy here, it can't compare to 4:30am in the home I grew up in, mere hours before a major project was due. That was tension. There were some stressed people in my house, come crunch time.
In vaguely more personal news, Toshi has moved all the office junk that used to clutter our bedroom into an actual office room across the house, which, yes, means that Flash has officially moved out, and yes, we have more room to spread out.
Posted at 4:53 PM
"It's weird, doctor. I just can't cogitate the way I used to. I'll try to remember something, for instance, and it just won't come up. I try and try. And then, five minutes later, I'll be thinkig of something else completely, and I'll remember what I was trying to think of before instead. And that's just it, doc: I remember the wrong thing when I try to recall anything." "I'm not sure I understand, Ben." "Well, also, I'll try to figure something, like, I was trying to play chess yesterday, and as I was figuring which pawn to move, I followed the thought three moves ahead. Rook's pawn to A4, Knight's pawn to G4, King's bishop to H3, water along the edges first, then back along the middle, then to the front door so you don't walk on the wet grass. I was playing chess, but I suddenly figured out how to water my lawn more efficiently. It doesn't make sense." "So, Ben, familiar avenues of thought are producing new conclusions?" "Yeah, doctor, you've gotta help me. It started when I placed that order from Apple. Now, all of a sudden, I think different."
Yeah, it's cheesy. I like the punch line, though.
Posted at 12:01 AM
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| All material copyright 2002-2003 Ben Gibbs.