
It's never not been as good as it isn't about to not have been right now.
Where Do I Want to Go, Toady?
Spyderella's Blog
Sharp Imagery


Not that anybody noticed.
Posted at 11:54 AM

However, you should still use misternihil.com to view this page. Or, rather, to view the other page that is kinda sorta secretly this page.
Posted at 11:54 AM

Keen! The issue got fixed!
Posted at 11:53 AM

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HEY! you stubborn people who still visit this with http://misternihil.blogspot.com/:
Until Blogger issues with this page are resolved, you can visit misternihil.com, like the rest of us.
Both of us.
Posted at 10:57 AM

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I'll be taking a short vacation from writing. If you need to read something I wrote, there's always archives. Or this.
Posted at 8:12 AM

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And then when they left, and I love this, they demanded, "Do you have a Grown Up doing Ben's job?" Hee hee.
Posted at 1:06 PM

And then five minutes later, I get a phone call from the best kind of customer: one who knows what he wants, how many, what he's willing to play and where he wants to buy it. And then, just to make the day even a little better, he had a general guitar question that I knew the answer to. A little ray of random sunshine.
Posted at 1:01 PM

Wow. They derailed my whole day. I was so purposeful, and they derailed my whole day. I knew it would go that way, and I knew they would make the scene they did, and it derailed my whole day. Maybe I'll see them later in the day and they'll yell at me some more. That's how it feels.
Not really.
But wow.
Posted at 12:55 PM

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Then I put in Bookpeople, and, among other things, got this line:
BookPeople remains a rural reading wasteland, of Operation
Which I like for reasons I cannot express in this language.
Posted at 2:02 PM

So, swiping a link from Spyderella, I put in my URL and got this:

MisterNihil com ICP Blog Lemurama! Sharp Imagery Griff Archives
5.6.03 Well, my
day is made.TERRY
AT 1:48
PM Rain makes me tired.
Today is
making me tired.

You should also try it. I'm thinking the way to do this to make it more interesting is to do my archives.
Posted at 1:59 PM

Well, my day is made.


I don't know how I'm gonna wait that long. Eeeee!
Posted at 11:48 AM

Rain makes me tired. Sleeping makes me tired. Today is making me tired.
Posted at 8:45 AM

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When "they" have got you down, and you are mad at "them," and their draconian policies, take a moment and make sure "they" aren't "us."
Posted at 11:02 AM

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Several of our people just got back from the Big Book Conference Thingy, where they all met famous people. The most interesting to me was that our Kids buyer got to hear Neil Gaiman read from his new book, Wolf in the Walls. Nifty!
Posted at 2:39 PM

Ahh, professionalism.
"I thought really hard about calling you but decided not to" is not the same as "I called."
Posted at 1:01 PM

When a popular site happens leeches spring up around it. For example, around pro2.blogger.com (from which many people update many blogs every day), pro2.com and pro2.bloger.com have attached themselves. Both are the kind of page that download cookies and try to set your home page to something you don't care to see at all. One is really an enormous ad for red, flashing viagra. The other is an ad for something called munkey.com (about which I know nothing. It may also be an ad for red, flashing viagra at work).
Posted at 10:26 AM

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Hey. Scroll down near the bottom of the page. If you have about 10 minutes, check out the piece of EELS video called The Afroman Incident. It's neat, and it's free.
Also, Flash's updated his page again. There's video from Frankenstalin and plenty o' new music, all of which is worth checking out.
Posted at 10:16 PM

Posted at 3:30 PM

So, I hate people who can only talk about thier diets, and I hate diets that make people talk about them, but I'm about to rejoin the ranks for a moment and then go AWOL. If you don't wanna read about what I'm eating, don't read this particular post.
I tried the Atkins diet years ago, and it was OK, although it contains what I believe is a fatal flaw: It disallows all forms of vegetables. The staples of that diet are eggs, cheese, hot dogs (no bun), and large pieces of a variety of meats. You can eat tofu, but you have to eat it plain, and you can't eat any form of vegetable or fruit. It's the dietary dream for every six year old, and you do lose weight.
There is a kernel of logic to the diet, though: If you eat lots of carbohydrates and simple, reined sugars, you'll gain weight faster than if you eat lots of complex carbohydrates and protein, because the body has to work harder to break them down. With that in mind, what I've done is to exclude bread, chips and starches (all that munchy snack food) from my diet, and all refined sugar, while upping my consumption of (preferably raw) fruits and vegetables. I augment that with as much tofu as I want to eat and fish 3 to 5 times a week. I was doing really well until this weekend, and I'm back on it today. It's an easy diet to stick with because I can have all the bananas and mango I want, which is an absolute paradise for me.
I'd been craving a diet like this for a long time, and finally got my shit together and started on it last week. For most of a summer several years ago (like, six years ago, I think) I subsisted on only fresh mango and lost about fifteen pounds. I don't think I've felt better, physically, in my life. I'm a whole lot more emotionally stable now, and ready to do something similar, only sane and without punishing myself. Right now, I'm craving fresh fruit and vegetables. I'm feeling herbivorous, and I'm going to listen to my body.
I think the important thing is less what kind of diet I'm on, although this one seems very sane, and more that I'm paying attention to what I eat and to what my body wants. I've been craving fruit, and I've been turned off by sugary foods for a while now. I'm enjoying what I eat, and I'm feeling really good. That's what counts, I say.
Posted at 9:27 AM

Do you know when you're dying? Or that you're dying? Or when you are merely surrounded by death and endings? Yes and no.
Posted at 12:10 AM

Silence, said my father in my dream, will kill you. It will rip your life from your bones and drive your soul into the ground to fertilize the weeds.
Not the least pleasant thought, said myself in my dream.
You talk too much, said my father in my dream, and will never know what is happening until you close your mouth and open your eyes.
I don't hear with my eyes, said myself in my dream.
You talk too much, said my father in my dream.
Posted at 12:09 AM

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All material copyright 2002-2003 Ben Gibbs.
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