They have a crush on every boy. Hee.
Posted at 8:36 AM
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Y'know that employee who sends links stuff around the office? Yeah, he's one of my bosses, and he sent me this.
Posted at 4:53 PM
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Years ago, we took Constance to the beach. She had a fine time there playing in the sand and enjoying the sheer size of the water. She had learned to swim properly that summer and was able to enjoy the swells and smaller currents of the Atlantic ocean. After some time there at the beach, she stepped on a piece of aquatic life called a man-o'-war. For those who don't know, it's a membranous piece of blue surf-foam held in time, with poisoned tentacles suspended from it. The piece of life is, in fact, a colony of tiny creatures which form together a bubble and float until a hapless fish swims under. The tiny poisoned creatures kill the fish and digest it. Constance screamed. Her foot was burning, between her toes, where the poison touched her skin. She cried and yelled. We put vinegar and alcohol on her foot, as one should do with such injuries. She still cried for most of an hour, as the burning did not subside. "I give up," she cried. "I just give up."
Posted at 10:19 AM
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It's like talking to the wind, isn't it.
Posted at 9:11 AM
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| All material copyright 2002-2003 Ben Gibbs.