It means, FUCKER, that it's always been as good is it is now. I'd tell you to cope, but I hate to give away good advice to useless morons.
Posted at 12:28 AM
He said When It's All Over, Do You Know Where You'll Go? I smiled, and looked deep into his eyes, then around at his bad toupee and gross, infected ear-piercing. I looked at his raging blackheads and the greasy hair around the rug. I looked at his slack eyes and his sagging jowels. I will Go I said Precisely Nowhere. When It's Over, there'll be I said Nowhere to Go. He stared blankly at me and said You fucking Pansy. When I was you, I used to think like that. Then, He disappeared back into my mind.
Posted at 12:25 AM
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A car was stolen from the lot at my work last night. Now I don't want to park here. Of course, it's also a beautiful day, and I don't want to be inside, but that doesn't influence my decision.
Posted at 9:32 AM
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I'm gonna quote me from a different place: Happiness will kick you in the Ass and steal your wallet. Sometimes I just bust out with some mad cool science, and impress myself mildly.
Posted at 10:00 AM
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I hate how broken this blog seems always to be.
Posted at 11:24 AM
For a moment, I thought my friend was surrounded by death. Then I realized that it was all of us, not just her. Lucky.
Posted at 11:23 AM
Why must I be sad?
Posted at 11:23 AM
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| All material copyright 2002-2003 Ben Gibbs.